Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case Study Of Westminster Company Essay

There are three alternatives which come to view for consideration by the Westminster Company in terms of logistical adjustments. The first option would be to consolidate its warehouses. The second option is to make use of public warehouses and the third option would be to have private warehouses. All the options have advantages and disadvantages which should be considered before a decision is made on the best type of warehousing that should be adopted by the company. System consolidation for the Westminster Company would result in easy gain of economies of transportation. This is because it would be easy to gather truckloads to and from the centers of distribution. This will lower both the customer freight as well as the transfer costs. The effects of warehouse consolidation have some great impacts on the costs of transportation. Firstly, it would reduce the inventory carrying costs. This will be as a result of the reduction of duplication of effort and use of better facilities. Ther e would also be an improvement on order fill rates. This will be achieved because the inventory will distributed from fewer locations of storage. Moreover, the number of freight transfers needed to meet the demands of the customer would be considerably reduced. System consolidation would therefore result in great savings in terms of costs. Another advantage of using the consolidated system is that it offers greater opportunities for large volumes of shipment using trucks. The consolidated system also makes it possible to practice mixed shipment. The large volumes of shipment would mean that there would be need for fewer shipments, each carrying a large quantity. This would improve the economies of scale. There are also some disadvantages of the consolidated system. There are some customers who feel comfortable when the stores are near them. Consolidating the warehouses would increase the distance from some customers. This may pose a challenge on the time taken to deliver the customers. The distance from the distribution centers would be longer and may result in a considerable increase in the cost of transportation. The other alternative is public warehousing. In this form of warehousing, the first advantage is that there is no need for fixed investment. The quality of performance is also considerably high. The first disadvantage of this system is that the variable costs involved are considerably high. Secondly, when handling products of high volume, one must incur high costs in terms of storage and handling. The third option is private warehousing. It is easy to work with  this type of warehousing when handling products which have uncertain nature in terms of their sales. However, this option would not be the best for Westminster products since they are health products which are in demand throughout the year. Use of third party warehousing and transfer would result into higher inventory costs. However, in case there are no fixed investments, the inventory costs would be considerably reduced. One of the advantages of third party warehousing is that since specialists are involved, the service provided is usually better at a lower cost. In terms of cost reduction, consolidated public warehousing would be the best alternative to explore. This is because the overall initial costs are considerably reduced using this option. This would be achieved since the company would not need to make any fixed investments of its own.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Problem with Evil Existence of God

Today the news is filled with coverage on various natural catastrophes and other related causalities that people face daily. Anyone can look into their lives or even their neighbors and see the presence of misfortune that surrounds our world. This problem has brought up the issue of God’s existence in religious philosophical discussions. For centuries, many have tried to dismiss the existence of God on the basis of the existence of evil. Let’s consider where God has been placed in people’s lives throughout our history. For the Greeks and Romans gods were thought to personify wisdom, war, and other actions that human beings took (Spitzer 5). As knowledge continued to progress god was thought to live in heaven, beyond the realm of the planets. He was believed to have created life thousands of years ago. Soon as human knowledge progressed even further we’ve learned about the Big Bang, DNA, and evolution (Spitzer 14). It seems that the more humans know, the further back God gets pushed. Often, it appears as if humans use God as a placeholder for the unknown, but as we learn more, he gets redefined. Philosophers question whether or not there can be a wholly good God that would create such a world where evil exists. This pursuit is known as the problem of evil. â€Å"According to the ‘problem of evil’, the extent of evils in the world seems to conflict with the existence of an omniscient, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent God. Theodicy is a study where theists are able to get together and make their arguments disclosing information on the compatibility between God and evil. This seems to be one of the most perplexing problems theists have to face. In today's world, there are many differing opinions as to whether a God exists or not. This obviously has been an issue of great controversy because many people worship different gods or no god at all. I will define theodicy; discuss the conflict between an omniscient God and the existence of evil, and touch on free will and how it plays into natural and moral evil. Theodicy is the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil (dictionary. com). Theodicy is a term hat comes from the Greek words theos meaning God and dike meaning righteous. The basic form of theodicy involves these assumptions that God is all good and powerful therefore he is all knowing and that the universe was made by God and does it exist in a contingent relationship to God. Also the assumption of the existence of evil and why. (Mackie 150) This suggests that if God is all good and powerful he would choose to eliminate such evils. In the case of God being all good but not all powerful he may be unable to intervene in the evils of this world. Or if God was just all powerful and not all good one must assume he has a malicious side to him to allow all this evil. Assuming that God is all these things both powerful and good if the universe doesn’t exist in a contingent relationship to God then he has little to do with the evil. With this being said still leaves the question â€Å"why does evil exist†? The basic approaches to theodicy can be said to take three forms: logical/deductive, evidential/inductive, and existential. The logical problem of evil is a deductive one. If God is said to be all good, all powerful, and all knowing why should evil exist. Is it rational to believe in the existence of God? This is Mackie’s formulation of the problem God exists, is all good, all knowing, and all powerful. Such a being has no limits to its ability. A good being will always eliminate all the evil that it can. Evil exists, so God must not (Theodicy Overview). You can agree with the first two statements, but one might argue the third statement by making the point that a good being will always eliminate all the evil that it can unless it has good reason to allow that evil. Therefore, a modified version of Mackie’s argument looks like this: â€Å"If God exists, then there is no evil, unless there is a reason that would justify Him in permitting it. Evil exists. There is no reason that would justify God to permit evil. So, God does not exist (Theodicy Overview). † The intention behind this argument is to show that God is justified in permitting evil. The evidential problem of evil admits that God and the existence of evil are logically compatible, the concept of good and bad are known to go together. Considering the amount or various kinds of evil in the world conclude as vidence against the existence of God. This approach argues that because of the large amounts of evil in the world and the existence of unjustified evil the belief in God is not plausible. We assume that God would refuse to allow such evils to exist that fail in appearance to have any good purpose. Here are examples of these objections. â€Å"It seems that God could have eliminated more evil in the world and still accomplished the divine purposes (Matson 145). † â€Å"Is such a God who does things this way worthy of worship, and therefore, plausible (Matson 145)? With little evidence it’s hard to prove or disprove if something exists. Dealing with a being such as God we may not always be able to understand his reasoning for allowing such evils and will not always see his greater purpose for his divine moral teachings. The existential approach often referred to as the religious approach to the problem of evil is the concept of why the suffering is happening to a certain individual and why at this time or place in this individual’s life. Theodicy is now seen as practical more concerned with providing answers for those who suffer in specific circumst ances. It is often that the existential approach turns from asking why God would allow such evils to happen to instead how one can go to God in search for him to help relieve them of their problems and find ways to make suffering and evil more tolerable. The focus is on how believers should respond to God during their tribulations for example turning to faith, testimony, and worship. This is an overview on theodicy and introduces some of the main concepts that sets its foundation. Now the conflict between an omniscient God and the existence of evil seems to get very complicated. God is referred to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent simultaneously. If God is omnipotent this means he has power over anything and everything. If God is omniscient this means he is aware of all things that occur and if he is omnibenevolent this means he is wholly good. It would seem rational to believe that an omnibenevolent God would be of nature to relieve suffering wherever it is happening (Swinburne 67). An omniscient God would know when people are suffering, how they are suffering, and how that suffering may be relieved. An omnipotent God has the power to alleviate those who are suffering from their sufferings. So why does God allow evil to exist? Maybe God allows evil to exist because it is necessary for some greater good. For example, when a parent gives a child bad tasting medicine or has the child undergo painful surgery. From the child’s perspective they would feel as if they were being punished for something or enduring a form of evil. When this isn’t the case at all the parent is only looking out for the child’s best interest (Swinburne 100). The child shows ignorance of the parent’s reasoning for forcing him/her to undergo the temporary pain and so the child finds this treatment unjust when in actuality it isn’t. Perhaps we can use the metaphor of the child's perception of his parent's action to God and our perception of his creation of evil. â€Å"For we cannot deny that some good the child's mind cannot even conceive may justify the parents in permitting the child to suffer. And by analogy, won't the same be true of God in relation to us as his children (Theodicy Overview)? † This can conclude that we are sometimes unable to see the bigger picture of God’s purpose when it comes to human suffering. God may be teaching us the secrets behind the moral code. Like what is just and in just. We are being taught moral responsibilities and moral traits to help us reach a greater good that God possibly has in store for our lives. Some still argue that this isn’t the case at all. There are still many evils that don’t necessarily seem to produce any good or help in the counter-balance between good and evil. One incident that comes to mind is the Holocaust. It was a horrific period of time in our history where genocide occurred. It is hard to believe that an all-powerful and all-knowing God would become powerless in preventing the nightmare in Auschwitz. Also if God is omnibenevolent we would ponder on the question how can he let something so malice take place on innocent lives? Is it reasonable to believe that all evils can be explained to where they occur to result in a greater good and that we are somehow unable to always make sense of why such and such thing are happening? It is possible that a massacre shooting at a school resulting in the death of many young lives may serve to promote a greater good, but it doesn’t seem likely. Now there is a distinction between the good parent and the good God. In such cases where a child is undergoing pain which they are incapable of understanding the parent is there to reassure them of their love and give them useful insight on better understanding their situation and what it is their going through. There are numerous people who go through prolonged suffering who are consciously unaware of God’s presence. Going back to the incidents that occurred in Auschwitz it is unlikely that the majority of prisoners felt God’s love and reassurance. They most likely felt abandoned and un-loved. Many would have to question where was God during this time and what type of parent does this make him. It appears that God acted like a negligent parent with a cold heart. With that being said we can make the assumption that God doesn’t exist or the good-parent analogy fails. This argument that God allows evil to exist to show us the greater good seems to be implausible due to the fact that such horrendous evils fail to show the greater good they are meant to produce. There are two basic forms of evil which are natural and moral. Natural evil is when the world experiences suffering caused by disease, earthquakes, floods, crashes, and so on. Moral evil is when someone chooses to act ill-mannered based on human will. Now natural evil can’t be prevented and is easily misunderstood to why God allows such natural disasters to occur. Where moral evil is based upon each individual and their code of ethics, how they differentiate right from wrong. Some argue that God punishes people based on their actions because we have the ability to choose what’s good and what’s bad. This is where the free-will defense can cover moral evil, but it fails to cover natural evil. It is believed that God created man to possess free-will allowing him the freedom of choice. With the freedom of choice there becomes conflict when you have to make the decision between right and wrong. The fact that we have been taught to know what is right should benefit us when it comes to making the better decision, but that isn’t always the case. Due to the various temptations we have in our society many of us continue to fall short of the moral code. If God has made men such that in their free choices they sometimes prefer what is good and sometimes what is evil, why could he not have made men such that they always freely choose the good (Mackie 164)? † It is easy to assume that such a being as God would want his creation to be wholly good like him, but this isn’t the case at all. Some argue that if God was to have created us to always freely choose good we wouldnâ €™t be entirely entitled to freedom. If we were being forced to choose one way or the other we wouldn’t be choosing freely. Without the ability to choose what is wrong we would no longer have to worry about greed, lust, violence, and other evils because they would no longer be a choice of ours. â€Å"We would be free from temptations and only have innocent inclinations, and so could not exemplify the moral value of resisting and overcoming temptations to do wrong (Mackie 165). † In conclusion, I do believe in the rationality behind the existence of God. Just because there is a problem with evil and a disagreement to why God would allow such evils to exist I feel there is a greater purpose behind Gods plan. The evils that are apparent in our society today teaches us the value of morals and the importance in having them. We are able to step outside ourselves and our heart goes out to those we see suffering from deprivation all around the world. The idea of God being omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent while there is an existence of evil seems to be problematic unless you can believe in the fact that it is possible we are incapable of comprehending all it is God is trying to teach us. For God to be unwilling to remove the devastation in this world there would have to be good reasoning behind all of this. To believe in God you are exercising your ability to have faith in a higher power. You are choosing to believe in something that has yet to be proven into existence. Faith is known to be very important to God and it is through the trials and tribulations you turn your faith towards God in search of comfort and understanding. I do believe that during the hard times God waits for us to turn to him and trust in him that he has the ability to mitigate all our problems. It is necessary to experience or witness evils in the world because it is a way for us to build our faith and come into a closer connection with God. By God creating us having free-will this allows us to choose from what is good and what is evil. We are able to establish morals and learn the virtues of life. The great thing about this is that these lessons only come if we choose to learn them. It is our choice what we allow to dictate our lives. I believe if we are ever going to be able to see or comprehend what God’s divine purpose is for allowing such evils to exist we need to become more like him. Abiding by the laws of God is an option , a choice that he has left up to us.

Man’s Best Friend

The dog, or man’s best friend as we call them, is an animal that turns out we can comprehend much better than we think. Their behavior actually isn’t too different from our own, since for both humans and dogs, emotion causes our certain behaviors. Although technically speaking, there is no exact way to tell if a dog tends to feel emotion or not, but with a bit of common sense and observation, the majority of people agree that animals do have feelings and scientists are even accepting the idea. Jennifer Arnold, a service dog trainer, has experienced watching a dog become depressed, angry, and even embarrassed.As she states, â€Å"time has taught me that dogs, like humans, are emotional creatures. Just watch a dog whose beloved owner returns home from a trip – the dog jumps for joy. † (Arnold, Jennifer. Through a Dog's Eyes. 2010. ) Any dog who loves their owner would do that, which is enough proof to show that the dog is feeling an emotion: happiness. Studi es even show that it seems to be that a dog will behave a certain way depending on their owner’s emotion, as if they can somehow sense or understand what we feel. Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, also agreed with those who believed animals have emotions.In his book, â€Å"The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals,† he records every expressive movement he observed in animals. For almost every observation, it included the entire appearance of the face and the appearance of the dog’s tail, which seemed to reflect what emotion the dog was feeling. For example, Darwin noticed that when dogs want attention they tend to rub against or lick their owners, they slightly wag their tail, and also lower their ears to exclude any noise and concentrate on only their owner’s affection.As I mentioned in the last paragraph, emotion was one thing that changed animal behavior. Not only does the aging process affect the physical appearances of an individual, but it also affects people and dogs mentally. Like humans, dogs age too and the older they become they begin acting and feeling like their age. As a child, everyone is always so full of energy and as we get older we seem to get lazier and loss interest in everything around us; well the same goes for dogs. Some of us become handicapped, lose hair, and our senses just become weaker.The aging process does not affect all dogs though, for there have been dogs at ten years of age who have not had any physical or mental incapacitation, while others suffer internal organ failure, failing senses, or orthopedic problems. It mainly depends on dog breeds, health, and simply just luck. It turns out that dogs are the most common victims of animal cruelty, with the percentage of 64. 5%. (â€Å"Animal Cruelty† Most Common Victims. 2. Humanesociety. org accessed October 15, 2012). Animal cruelty, both physical abuse and neglect, is a huge factor that changes dog’s behavior.It also reflect s back on the topic of emotion, since neglecting dogs can cause extreme sadness or depression (which affects their behavior). Three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized, or killed, every year and five to seven million are usually put in animal shelters. (Sutherlin, Emily. â€Å"Animal Cruelty: Facts, Prevention, Statistics, and Action. † 1. Nowpublic. com accessed October 15, 2012). These numbers are due to the overpopulation of pets in America. Only 10% of dogs in shelters are spayed/neutered, which causes female dogs to produce puppies and lead to more dogs in shelters.Most of these dogs in shelters aren’t adopted because caring for a dog is just too much responsibility. The average cost of basic necessities for dogs (food, medical supply, training, etc. ) is around six hundred to nine hundred dollars a year and because of these high prices, people are practically forced to return their dog to a shelter. (ASPCA, â€Å"Pet Statistics. † Last modified 20 10. Accessed October 29, 2012. aspca. org). Having those dogs in shelters is abuse, because they have them locked up in cages, and with so many dogs to watch not all of them get the amount of attention that is necessary.There are many other types of abuse that people might not even consider as neglect. Emaciation, obesity, dehydration, cuts, bruises, burns, lack of grooming, parasite infestations, abnormal urination, and defecation are all signs of neglect (Sutton, Emma Riley Sutton, eHow contributor, â€Å"Signs of Neglect in Dogs. † Accessed October 14, 2012. www. eHow. com). If you see dogs with these symptoms, they have most likely been abused by their owners. When dogs are abused it can affect them both physically and mentally.Those symptoms include: submissive urinating, hand-shyness, cowering, mistrust, social withdrawal, depression, aggression, and even separation anxiety with a new owner (Bettmann, Theresa Bettmann, eHow contributor, â€Å"Mental Effects of Abuse on a Dog. † Accessed October 14, 2012. www. eHow. com). Communication, another way of changing behavior, is the way people express each other’s thoughts, feelings, and information to one another and comprehending it easily. As Debra Horwitz say, â€Å"Communication is a behavior. † (Kesling, Joyce. CDBC, â€Å"Canine Communication. † Last modified 2005.Accessed October 29, 2012. Responsibledog. net). We humans all speak, although not all of us understand each other because different cultures speak different languages (Spanish, English, French, etc. ). Animals have their own system of communication, or it can be thought of as them having their own language. Communication allows us to understand what others are saying. Without knowing, there is a sense of panic and vulnerability because you have no idea what is going on around you and going back to the previous paragraphs, feeling a certain way causes a certain behavior.Through research I found that there are three components to communication: 1) the person sending the message, 2) the person receiving the message, and 3) the communication signal (Kesling, Joyce. CDBC, â€Å"Canine Communication. † Last modified 2005. Accessed October 29, 2012. Responsibledog. net). So, when an owner and dog cannot communicate it is difficult to know why your dog is acting a certain way. For example, if a dog starts whimpering or yelping, it could be trying to tell us it is in pain or distress.If a dog starts growling, it can be taken as threat, unless it is a playful growl. Dogs also use their body postures as a form of communication, also known as communicating visually. (Kesling, Joyce. CDBC, â€Å"Canine Communication. † Last modified 2005. Accessed October 29, 2012. Responsibledog. net). For example, when a dog has their ears flattened back and has their tail lowered in between their legs, that shows they are frightened. Along with humans, our body language is also a way that allows us to communicate with other people.If a student is sitting straight, has their eyes on the board, and is taking notes it sends a message to the teacher that the student is paying attention. There are also other types of communication between humans, which would be formal (where most people use a type of business or corporation speaking format) and informal (which is where people have more unrestrained conversations); and although it isn’t completely discovered yet, there might be the possibility of different types of communication between dogs, since there are several different barks, howls, and growls made among the conversation of a group of dogs.Although there are several differences between us and dogs, there also seems to be a great amount of similarities that can help us figure out more about domesticated animals. As you can see, emotions, aging, and communication are all prime examples. Scientists have a hard time telling why animals behave a certain way because we canno t just simply go up to a dog and ask them due to lack of communication.But, little by little we get closer to this information through assumption, common sense, and observation because even though we are not a hundred percent sure, the explanation is pretty clear. The dog is not as much of a complex animal as we thought. In fact, it seems to me that the dog is the one animal that we understand the most, but the one animal we have so much more to learn about. After all, a man’s best friend should be someone we truly know about.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Various methods and attempts employed in the harmonization of Coursework

Various methods and attempts employed in the harmonization of international trade law - Coursework Example This research will begin with the statement that international trade is the kind of trade that takes place across nations all over the world either bilaterally or multilaterally. In a world getting smaller day by day courtesy of the agents of technology, globalization becomes indispensable. As the world gets digital and globalization gains root, the prominence of international trade as an aspect of international relations demands careful attention. It is realized that as trade continues to gain momentum across nations, so do the impediments hampering free trade emerge. Free trade is meant to be a mutual agenda between the countries. Nations across the world strive as much as possible to benefit from the trade. In the same vein, challenges emerge as no nation can derive ultimate benefits. Different nations across the world operate under different systems. Such differences have become so diverse that much attention has now been drawn towards addressing them. It, therefore, begs the ana lysis of the factors that limit international trade. It is in that vein that the difference in trade laws comes to light. It is becoming much difficult for nations across the globe to freely trade due to the sharp differences that exist in laws governing trade in different parts of the world. For instance, a North American exporter will find it almost difficult to export certain products to the Asian countries courtesy of the legal rigidities that are artificially created for various reasons. Nations limit trade so as to regulate deficits on their budgets. Considering that such a deficit might be disastrous to the affected economy. Moreover the need to control the dumping of products into the economy also necessitates the introduction of regulatory measures. In one respect, such measures are never malicious. Rather they are of great essence in ensuring that the international trade benefits all the parties involved. The need to remove such limiting factors therefore sparks off the de bate. The discourse becomes further intricate when dealing with legal the aspects of international trade. There exist several statutes and regulations in the world governing international trade. Such statutes are normally enacted to regulate price fixing, competition and to govern free trade between countries. Trade regulation is a theme of law that encompasses governments’ regulations of international trade, the laws relating to fair competition, ethical considerations in international trade and antitrust law. Antitrust law is a branch of trade regulation law that widely includes consumer protection law, distribution law and franchise law. (Osle, 2008) International trade laws exist in various respects both at private and public law. Private international law is derived from the various countries that relate internationally. It controls treaties, conventions and guides model laws. Private international law is applied in monitoring local and foreign judgements relating to leg al disputes (Shaw, 2005).It is therefore a great concern in business dealings. The Hague conference on Private international law was a great milestone toward the development of private international law. It encompasses all aspects relating to private law from jurisdictional considerations to contract law. Public international law on the other hand comprises of all the rules and laws that relate to the demeanour of states and other organizations within them as well as their relationships with both artificial and natural persons (Shaw, 2005). A merchant dealing in international trade is inevitably drawn into this complex nexus of differing intricate laws that require attention. These diverse laws have continued to be an impediment towards the achievement of the benefits that accrue by virtue of a free global trade. This therefore creates the need to address this emerging problem by seeking avenues to harmonize these laws into a single streamlined legal system that enhances free trade. The sooner this is achieved the better. Myriad avenues have been proposed as modalities

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human trafficking in Utah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human trafficking in Utah - Essay Example Hence, due to this repugnance by the businessmen, there has been the desired by the private and public sectors to work together in an attempt to control and administer the crime. In this gaze, the paper examines on what ways have the private and public sectors can cohesively work closely to reduce the menace that has stood to destroy the name of the city. The public sector of Utah has since been accused of many wrongdoings over the past that includes corruption, bribery and retrogressive policies that did not impact much on the reduction of human trafficking. According Potrafke, (2013), he observed that public confidence and trust has changed significantly in the fight against human trafficking. The citizens will find it easier to report the crime as they are sure that actions would be taken against the perpetrators. The new office of the public sector of the state under the new bureau of the attorney general had recruitment and expanded the workforce both from the private sector and government officials. The society stakeholders, therefore, find an easier way to the public corridors especially the Utah citizens. Another mechanism that has been used by the public sector is to create a different task force within the city of Utah that comprises of private and public personnel. (Farrell & Pfeffer, 2014) observed that having a proper wo rkforce ensured that thorough investigations are taken and prosecution of perpetrators. The two arms of the society provide a wider view of the problem that enables the crime to be reduced. Both the private and public department has been involved in the development strategy of the city of Utah to reduce human trafficking. Utah’s attorney general office has been creative through innovations by the use of modern technology to reduce humanity crimes as the trafficking in persons. They have created web-based within their systems that enables reporting of crimes such as human trafficking.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Anderson V. WR Grace case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Anderson V. WR Grace - Case Study Example According to the plaintiffs, their chemicals led to sever health effects on their families and eventual death. Notably children from seven of the plaintiffs’ families contracted leukemia and died following complications from these chemicals. Additionally, a spouse of one of the plaintiffs contracted a severe myelocytic leukemia and died out of the same illness (Gerrard and Foster 657). Despite the laboratory findings in the water samples from these wells, claims of the plaintiffs that the contaminated water causes leukemia led to numerous questions: how did TCE got into the wells? Who could have been responsible? Could TCE (chemical analyzed from wells’ water) cause leukemia in children? On the other hand, were the wells supplying drinking water to the East Woburn neighborhood carried leukemia dusts? The findings revealed that dumpsites were too close to the drinking wells. Moreover, some of the chemicals used by these industries were found in the wells’ water. Thus, the chemicals caused severe health problems and eventual death to some of the plaintiffs’ families (Gerrard and Foster 654). However, the chemicals could not be blamed for the cause of leukemia. From the findings, someone was to take the responsibility of damages realized. Therefore, W.R. Grace and plaintiffs were left to settle approximately eight million US dollars despite the company denial of and wrongdoing or responsibility for the damages. Gerrard, Michael, and Sheila R. Foster.  The Law of Environmental Justice: Theories and Procedures to Address Disproportionate Risks. Chicago, Ill: American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, 2008.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Living with a long term, multiple pathology Essay

Living with a long term, multiple pathology - Essay Example About 1,131 deaths were attributed to asthma in 2009, and 12 of these were less than 14 years of age (Asthma UK, 2012). For depression, it is considered the fourth leading cause of disability and disease in the world (NICE, 2011). In the UK, the prevalence of this disease in 2006 was 2.6%, and these rates are often higher in cases where chronic illnesses are present and among women, the rates are often higher (NICE, 2011). This study shall first provide a background for the patient’s case. Secondly, a plan of care would be presented. Thirdly, the delivery and evaluation of care shall follow, and finally, a summary and conclusion will end this discussion. This paper is being carried out in order to improve the management of multiple long-term conditions among patients. Background The patient Bruno (not his real name) was admitted into the emergency room after an asthma attack. Before the admission, Bruno was self-managing his asthma attacks through his regular asthma medication s. He is now 70 years old. His current admission is also associated with depression. On further evaluation of his symptoms, it was determined that he was feeling very sad and lonely. I met the patient after being assigned to his care as a student nurse on my sixth week of placement. The patient’s heart rate was at 112, but he had low blood pressure at 96/50. His temperature was about 100 degrees while his respiratory rate was 22. He had poor skin turgor and this indicated that he needed immediate medical attention. This is why this patient was chosen for this paper. Based on initial laboratory tests, Bruno had the following condition: Creatinine 14.4 mg/dl, BUN 212 g/dl, bicarbonate 10 meq/l, chloride 145 meq/l, potassium 6.9 meq/l, sodium 176 meq/l, platelets 554 and hemoglobin 18.5 g/dl. Bruno’s life has been a very busy one, he worked as an economist and he was often able to easily work out math problems in his head. In his 50s, his children were all fully grown and he then participated in fund raising activities for local charities (Carrier, 2004). Bruno suddenly noted that he was losing his mathematical ability. He committed frequent mistakes and he often forgot to pay bills, turn water off, and he sometimes burned his meals (Catton, 2006). Bruno has always been mild-mannered and he seldom got angry, however, he started losing his temper especially when tired and stressed. He often held himself together long enough to get home and then lose his temper and his emotions there. This affected his relationship with his family (Titelman, 2003). He never told his doctor everything that was happening and as months went by, his mental health got the better of him and he became more difficult to live with. He finally decided to take time off work to resolve his issues and get well. After the diagnostic exams, he was diagnosed with early onset of asthma (Croghan 2006). He was also diagnosed with depression. Long-term diseases are those which also call for long-term medical attention (London Health Observatory, 2011). These long-term diseases are also diseases which often require constant care, care possibly lasting for years. These conditions include cancer, hypertension, chronic asthma, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, and mental health issues like schizophrenia, senile dementia, and depression (London Health

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial Reporting - Essay Example Each major purpose of accounting often requires a different way of presenting or reporting the information in the accounting system. In this scenario, it may be emphasized that it is a vicious circle in that there are managers in organizations who affect accounting and such accounting in turn affects people's behaviour. The impact of accounting reports on the decision making behaviour of business, government and creditors is termed as the 'economic consequences' and the world has seen the worst of such consequences because of the bad reporting as in the case of 'Enron Corporation'. It may also be observed that such external reporting had given rise to the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial and non-financial statements. Several arguments have been flowing around about the very purpose behind the merits and demerits of such consolidated statements. In this context, this paper attempts to draw an overall picture of the position of the consolidated statements in relat ion to decision making by the stakeholders vis--vis the presence of the consolidated statements as a deterrent factor to have a clear understanding of the decision making process. "Management wealth, it is argued, is a function of changes in share prices (via stocks and stock options), and changes in cash bonuses (via compensation plans). Ordinarily, managers are predicted to have greater incentives to lobby for accounting standards that lead to increases in reported earnings and thereby management wealth." (Markus J. Milne) It is more than normal that managers indulge in enhancing the reported earnings to strengthen their positions in the organizations higher echelons. Positive Accounting Theory studies the manager's accounting policy choices as part of the overall process of corporate governance. Under this theory Positive rather than Normative accounting policies are chosen strategically. 3.0 REASONS FOR FIRMS TO ADOPT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORTING: This part of the paper analyses the various reasons why a firm may decide to resort to consolidated financial reporting. The decision may be partly due to the statuary obligations placed on the firm and partly on the managers' decision to go with the publication of consolidated statements. Statutory Regulations as a reason for publication of consolidated financial statements: Earlier studies (Whittred 1986, 1987, 1988) concluded that the regulations did not have much impact for the firms to resort to consolidated financial statements, whereas the contracting cost variables were the major determinant for publication of consolidated statements. However later it turned out that Regulations did play a major role in compelling the firms to adopt publication of consolidated financial statements. "The introduction of tax legislation permitting the presentation of consolidated returns seems to have been a significant factor in widening the profession's awareness of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sun Microsystems Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sun Microsystems - Coursework Example The company was then selling its own servers developed by its own processors. Till 2001, the business was doing pretty well. However, during the economic downturn of 2001 when companies were looking for ways to cut on their costs, companies like Google shifted to cheap servers provided by other vendors. To adapt itself, Sun started to develop servers on third party platforms. From thereon they started losing on their revenues as many companies had already developed their own servers. In the year 2010, the company was taken over by Oracle. In the ‘Transformational model’, input and output consist of two types of components. The system input and outputs generally fall under the categories of labour, power, energy, information, decisions and money. In case of Sun Microsystems, the important planning inputs have been information, decisions, knowledge, skill set of the employees and the capital. Other influential factors which are significant in instigating the production process are competition, social facilities, technological and architectural infrastructures. The desirable outputs have been servers, workstations, data centres and software solutions for enterprises. However, in the process, Sun Microsystems was incurring higher cost which has been assumed as the less desirable output of the process. US hardware and software industry is huge with big players like Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, HP and Apple. The political environment of US is encouraging for the innovations, which is the biggest source of competitive advantage in this industry. One major disadvantage which these companies have to face higher labour cost. As a consequence, these companies outsource a large number of activities to other countries, worldwide. With the passing of recession, the hardware and software industry in US is still in its recovery phase. Although the US economy is recovering at a faster pace, it would need some time to reach the peak stage. With technological

Profesional nursing organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Profesional nursing organization - Essay Example Nurses can share their success and predicaments in seminars or meetings where peers come up with compliments, solutions or challenges. Networking thus enhances information flow and updates on the current trends in nursing. By sharing information and updates, the general feeling and perspectives of individual nurses is felt and discussed for possible action. Another importance of nursing organizations is that they assist in creation of favorable health-related policies in state assemblies. The power of numbers takes charge to protect the interest of nurses in legislation. Nursing organizations have representatives in state assemblies where they present their views. Thus, professional organizations ensure that the voices of nurses are heard and considered since organizations boost the credibility of nurses to speak in the legislative arena about issues that can transform the entire health care system for the better (Abood 2007). By doing this, the organizations secure better deals for nurses. In a nutshell, nursing organizations enable sharing information and updates among members and also coerce legislators using expert advice to solicit support on favorable terms and conditions for nurses. These actions are possible because of professional and financial capabilities that the organizations

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How the East Has Created Opportunity In Adversity for Uniting And Research Paper

How the East Has Created Opportunity In Adversity for Uniting And Reinforcing Its Community - Research Paper Example more, reports have been made of the total abandoning of the indigenous Chinese music, which was otherwise expected to serve as the dynamic community identity of the people of China (Nicholls, 2013). In other countries of the East, there are prevailing influences of foreifn language in the core educational curriculum of their schools where native languages that used to be the lingua franca and medium of instruction no longer exit (Hyer, 43). There is also a prevailing situation characterized by total neglect for the core Eastern culture of manners and courtesy that was rooted in the type of family system that was practiced before (Zhang, 2013). In such countries, the nuclear family system has taken the place of extended family system and thus led to an individualistic society being created. Effect of Western influence on the East With multiple cases and instances of the overflow of Western culture in the East, particularly in areas of music studies in schools, debate has gone on as to what the possible effects and repercussions of the phenomenon could be for the East. In the opinion of some commentators, the effect has actually started already and is negative effects. Leffer (98) has for example stated that the East has currently lost its cultural identity, which could be nurtured into a very important economic competitive advantage for the region (Prakash 35). Indeed, there is sufficient evidence to back this claim, even though counter arguments exists. A typical evidence of this is the fact that when the East is able to consolidate its community through the preservation of its cultural entities, it would be in a position to brand most of its products and services as peculiar brands, that would have had trade patronage for the fact that it was unique to the East. A... This article stresses that there has been other form of opportunities that the East has created in adversity for uniting and reinforcing its community. One of these is by coming out with a number of groups, organizations and agencies that gather the collective community identities of the larger East into a common forum or platform, where there can be a larger representation of the ideas and ideals of the East. This paper has been a very useful academic exercise in identifying the state of the East in terms of the preservation of the values of its community, as rooted in the exhibition of Eastern culture. Generally, it has been realized that globalization has taken a very bad side of the East, whereby it has brought about a penetrated urge for cultures of non-Eastern origins to take dominion of the Eastern community. It can be concluded that as much as globalization and trans-cultural existence may have its own advantages and merits, these advantages can never be compared to the benefits that the East derives by holding on to its own cultural heritage, values and principles. The benefits are actually estimated to be diverse and take all forms of Eastern civilization including political importance, economic importance, social importance and environmental importance. It is not surprising therefore that various advocacy groups have showed up in a bid to help in the promotion and reinforcement of the East as a community.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Teamwork and Motivation Essay Example for Free

Teamwork and Motivation Essay An organization should take steps that would best benefit the organization as a whole to strategize a motivation plan. It first must identify what employees value and then determine how the organization can reciprocate that what the employees want is being heard. This can be done by taking the initiative to communicate first-hand with employees so that the plan is clear and concise. In the following motivation plan, I will explain how the plan encourages high job satisfaction, low turnover, high productivity, and high-quality work. Stacy Harris (2013) tells us that â€Å"the work environment is an important talent retention tool for any workforce, but it is particularly important for the skilled labor workforce. Work environments for the high-tech, healthcare, and manufacturing industries share several common issues: long hours, high stress, and often lower pay scales than positions that may require higher levels of education†. That is why creating and structuring a plan that is intended to motivate employees is such a significant piece to retaining skilled employees. When developing this plan I had to first answer the question, what behaviors will be rewarded and how. In this organization, we manufacture and sell a commodity and although sales are high, our products and delivery services are losing credibility. We are incurring costs that are avoidable and may be losing the trust of our customers if we don’t do something fast. Therefore, employee motivation is significant in rectifying the issues at hand. Quaratul-Ain Manzoor (2012) explains that â€Å"a motivated employee is responsive of the definite goals and objectives he/she must achieve, therefore he/she directs its efforts in that direction†. To achieve high job satisfaction and high quality work, we have created a system that will reward points for incentives that will be very appealing to our employees and we found this out by taking a poll of the most desired perks. Since no one motivation plan will satisfy all employees we have taken the initiative to strategize our plan to cater to each department in different ways. Each department has goals that need to be met and when employees exceed these goals their acts will be recognized and rewarded. In our sales department, we have employees that are experiencing frequent interaction with our consumers. In order for us to know what is really happening in those interactions we have implemented a survey system that is completed by consumers in reference to how our employees handled them. Once we receive surveys we will reward those exceeding the 91 percentile rating of satisfaction with points towards obtaining a free vacation day. Also, in all departments attendance will be recognized, especially since sales and assembly are high-priority human resource areas. When an employee misses no days within a six month to one year period we will have an award presented at our annual employee recognition program. Also, employees will be recognized every quarter for outstanding service according to their points and consumer ratings. This recognition will be displayed on our STAR employee board and they will receive gift certificates to the restaurant of their choice. For those employees that do not meet those requirements, throughout the year gas cards will be given to employees who are meeting targets, showing growth. In our assembly department the key to increasing the morale is encouraging employee motivation. Keeping employees engaged at the organization will satisfy their need to feel a part of the organization and also the company’s need of high-productivity. As suggested by Philip Mirvis (2012), â€Å"there is a daunting â€Å"employee engagement gap† in business†. To close this gap at WooWoo we are striving to promote from within. Giving employees the opportunity to rise up in the assembly department to become trainers, supervisors and line leaders will be an intrinsic reward available to them. Encouraging team members to treat everyday like an interview day will keep them aware that they have the potential to move up the ranks as fast as they produce high-quality work. To effectively motivate our administration team we decided to analyze their position to the organization and what they view as perks. Since this group of employees is more focused on the processes running smoothly we have decided to reward their dedication to the company in regards to recognizing and resolving human resource issues in a timely manner. From our research the most desired perks for this group are employee recognition and developmental pay increases. Our technology department is a significant piece to the puzzle and the most difficult to chose a motivational strategy for. This department focuses on the logistics of the organization and maintaining the functioning of equipment we use. Therefore, to encourage and motivate this department we focused on the tools they need to excel. When it comes to training and recertification for this group of employees it’s really important to maintain their credibility, so we have decided to reward their outstanding services with tuition reimbursement, and free certification for every 6 months they meet and exceed their goals. To address achieving low-turnover, we as an organization have decided to create a sense of job security for our employees. We have managed to do this by offering benefits such as employee assistance programs, on-site child care, extended severance pay (should we ever have to downsize), and a defined contribution plan that constitutes the organization matching the employees contribution. Turnover can take a huge toll on an organization and we have taken the necessary steps to decrease our turnover rates and to increase our employees’ satisfaction. Methods Two methods that could be used to motivate all of the employees here are: (1) addressing their needs and wants and (2) encouraging goals to be met by praising the work they currently are doing. The most significant method would be to address the employees’ needs and wants. Once a person feels a sense of belonging; they long to know that the interested party cares about them. Employees especially have a need to know that they are not just viewed as a number that makes money for the company. Also, taking the time to recognize the work employees have already completed motivates them to do more so that they can continue to receive praise and not criticism. In return, the organization has an opportunity to yield high-satisfaction from the employees that value this type of motivation. The minimum wage worker is not motivated by the perks that are appealing to regular full-time employees. Therefore, it is a task and requirement to be creative in catering to motivate them. Three ways to motivate the minimum wage worker are: (1) encouraging participative leadership/learning, (2) employee recognition, and (3) showing them that there is potential to grow and make a career in the industry wherein they will have full benefits. These methods are used in combination to cater to what appeals to this group of workers. In today’s workforce, most minimum wage workers are in the Generation Y age group and they are not working to stay in that pay grade, so turnover is inevitable. However, using these methods to show employees how you value them can sometimes encourage them to consider making a career in the industry. The theory that best fits this scenario is the Hierarchy of Needs Theory. This theory focuses on individual needs and it places them in order of importance. In this theory the two needs classified as the higher-order needs, are closely related to the suggested methods that could be used to motivate minimum wage workers. The first need addressed in this theory, self actualization, coincides with the first suggested method of motivating minimum wage employees. This need highlights that employees have a sense of fulfillment. The need which is entitled, esteem, would benefit from the second suggestion of employee recognition. Today’s Individual Worker – Organizational Relevance In today’s organizational context the individual worker is still significant and it would not be possible to consider otherwise. Individuals are what make organizations diverse and they keep the operating procedures flowing. Today’s businesses mainly depend on teamwork and teams are made of individuals. Without individuals, organizations would produce mediocre results and have no differentiation whatsoever. I believe that is why a lot of organizations are recruiting more diverse populations so that in return they aren’t hiring employees that are like them. It is wise of organizations to value each individual in their organization especially if those individuals are growing with the organization and not benefiting from the status quo. Conclusion In conclusion, organizations truly have their work cut out for them when analyzing the best method to use when creating a motivation plan. This task is not a one-size-fits-all deal and company executives must factors in all of the key questions to reach their ultimate goal of retaining employees. Motivating employees can be a difficult task if an organization does not ask themselves the right questions. Having a clear and concise plan that is encouraged and communicated throughout the organization on a regular basis is grounds for the retaining of highly-satisfied employees.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Religion Essays Dharma: Daily impact on the lifes of Hindus

Religion Essays Dharma: Daily impact on the lifes of Hindus Dharma: Daily impact on the lifes of Hindus Introduction To Hinduism Assessment Question: Explain The Meaning And Significance Of Dharma, And Discuss How It Impacts On The Daily Life Of Hindus According to the Narayanan, the Sanskrit word Dharma, comes from the true implication of the phrase â€Å"to sustain,† and it is known to mean â€Å"truth, righteousness, duty, law and justice,† It is known that the first language that was in use in India was Sanskrit. It is known that Dharma is the trail of morality and living a life agreeing to the codes of conduct as portrayed by the Vedas and Upanishads. On the other hand the phrase is illustrated as â€Å"literally untranslatable† by many sources due to its variety of explanations in its initial form. Hindus portray Dharma as the existing, primary energy, which passes through all of reality. Dharma is set off upon this ever-existing, endless concept, and all meanings of Dharma are taken away from this concept. Arthur Avalon (1, 1918) gives a complete explanation of dharma in his work.  ´Ã‚ ´The overall Hindu Religion and Bharata philosophy says that the universe is prearranged. This cannot be a clutter of errata set jointly inadequately, where a relationship does not exist.. If there was very little Dharma, then this would lead to the world decomposed into pandemonium. But this is mainly said to be impossible, for even if chaos (Adharma), does take place, it be able to only pass through momentarily, for quite a long time, and in a number of sections of the whole. Dharma, nevertheless, from the initial Hindu’s philosophy, mustultimately assert itself. ¨ It is known that Dharma is more dependant upon the manners of ahuman being, in relation to their beliefs, which makes difficult the procedure of transmitting an obvious translation in to English. There are a lot of dissimilar articles and authors that find it hard to be in agreement on an explanation of dharma, in dictionary terms, due to its numerous connotations they have in their original perspective. It is not easy to get a reliable hint as to what dharma can be explained as when using a lot of sources. Generally explained as ‘law’, and factually as ‘that which upholds or supports’, this is from the source ‘Dhr’ which is known as to hold, which is almost certainly the source of the â€Å"to sustain† part of Narayanan’s definition comes from. It should also be considered in to account that dharma itself has many functions, including differences that have significance to different faiths. Here we observe at it in the Hindu perspective in particular. Previously outsiders such as the Persians, Greeks and English established the words â€Å"Hindu† and â€Å"Hinduism†, the belief was said to be named as vaidika dharma, that is, the Vedic dharma to the people that pursue. The single word that is known to mean more than dharma is â€Å"religion,† in the western world.  ´Ã‚ ´The prehistoric term dharma which in general is converted into English as belief has a more philosophical importance in Sanskrit language. Dharma is the essential issue; that will comprehend pour soi, the truth of everything before it had actually existed. Dharma is the godly thing that is working in our being. When any sin is carried out it is said to be dharma that is wronged, suggesting that deceitfulness has for the time being, conquered our inner being. ´Ã‚ ´. It could be said that there are noticeably inconsistencies, or at least, distinction in judgment of the meaning of dharma. So this means that it becomes hard to in a few words recap what the meaning of dharma is. One way to help portray the meaning of dharma is to may be observe the method that which the word is practised by Hindus – this may permit us to link the meaning of the word, which will clear up any doubts to its meaning. As the speculative implications of Dharma comprise something which is superior than sum of its sections, Hindus found a way to extrapolate Dharma, therefore they possibly will secure its whole supremacy. For instance, in a choice they may perhaps have to make, they would believe that the thought of what is dharmic, to assist them to settle on a specific path. Dharma’s wider meaning features the origin of present development. Dharma is known to be the everlasting directing force which has directed the original human passage on Earth. Hindus think that Dharma is the ultimate method for making the quality of life better, as cheerfulness relies on the inner growth of peace and happiness, as to go up against money-orientated luxuries. The development of dharma is known to be the target of God, and the education of dharma is said to be God’s purpose. All problems that arise in daily life come from unawareness, it is disputed, and to get rid of unawareness, is to exercise dhar ma, where dharma would be the ethical commandment Hindu’s follow. Hindu’s would split dharma into four groups; universal, human, social and personal. Dharma was known to be the heavenly commandment put in place by god when the universe was made, it endorses command. Dharma holds a lot of importance; the real quantity would be independently taken in to account as how it plays a role in life is hands of the believer. In terms of how it links to the religion’s remainder, it would level highly as a notion to be used universally all the way through life. Heuze describes the socio-economic suggestions of the dharmic idea:  ¨Dharma creates of this life a journey, in link with a significant theory, which is portrayed by a series of incarnations, the development of which is irritated by the strict law of dharma, and the social and political order demonstrated by the socio-economic chain of command of elitism and caste. ¨ Hindu’s acknowledge the theory of reinc arnation, which consists of the circle of life, which in turn contains birth, life, death and then re-birth. The primary belief, in basic terms, is behaviour of the current life, will settle on the life in the next. This only occurs if the Hindu believer fulfils and lives life in harmony with the Hindu teachings, they will develop by being re-incarnated into an improved form. This procedure of the dependence of the life after is known as Karma, which basically links in with the deeds carried out by the body and the mind. The process to attain good karma is to fulfil life in harmony to dharma, and its conditions. This includes undertaking the things that are morally correct on a personal basis, the family, and the class/caste and this could be done for the whole universe, which is where the four groups mentioned before come into play. As we can observe Hindus centre on dharma as a way of accomplishing overall goals. This trail of morality was portrayed in the holy books in Hinduism, known as the Upanishads and Vedas. We can now acquire a fairly good thought of what dharma actually is concerned with. It is known that Dharma is a notion which holds a large element of the believers’ lives. It is an ethical instruction which includes large parts of life, and as a result is relied upon a lot when carrying out everyday errands. It is a widespread idea that humans are accountable for the world, which associates with dharma, as dharma endorses a responsibility on Hindus to take care of the world on a personal level; this is in accord with the idea of the world being an addition of one self. The importance broadens to also some sources stating that human society is up held in particular due to dharma. It consequently justifies just how much importance is placed on the word. Noting the importance and power linked with the term Dharma, it is a test knowing where to begin when looking at how it affects the daily life of Hindu believers. Hinduism is a religion that centres on behaviour more than belief; on the other hand there is a lot of assortment when the issue rises of the guidelines and beliefs Hindus stick to live a good life according to them, which is known as dharma. An important concept that Hindis believe is that the behaviour, of which a Hindu can fulfil, weather worldly, or wholly religious have religious propositions and costs and all deeds should have praxis in mentality, which means the right behaviour. To appreciate what makes up dharmic behaviour, one must comprehend the Hinduism essentials. These are very close up associates between the godly and the physical. According to this, it known that family life, social order and the natural world are together all linked with godly order, and consequently the religious is immanent. As a result we can see how the importance of Dharma can be in opposition to itself to other views of life, if not all other. There are certain beliefs that the more modern and western world won’t link with religion, for instance it could be objects, your home, Hinduism would state how you do something around them would have got to be Dharmic by dong it with ‘praxis’ at thought. This can be rather mystifying to figure out, but the important matter to be conscious of is that Dharma acts as a daily part in our everyday lives by commanding itself on things that are meant to be religious as well as those material. To completely be grateful for the importance of dharma, one should appreciate the importance the term has, it has many words linked with it, such as karma and svabhava for instance, where svabhava is known as understanding. This is an illustration of the way dharma associates with another notion in Hinduism, and there is several more, varying from law, responsibilities, to relations within holy books. Dharma’s known to be more or less like a covering term to portray so many main important ideas within Hinduism. Hinduism, similar to a number of other religions, targets to not only direct society on an extensive level, but to also outline the life of a believer. As well as building up society through caste’s, it also builds up a person’s daily routine. The name given to this building up is known as ‘varnasramadharma’. The main aim is to imagine the upcoming day as he rises, with a plan to add to dharma and artha (wealth). It is in that case comprehensible that some younger Hindu’s might uncover this as a test. One may consider the four main goals of Hindu life in turn to completely reply to these questions, of which artha is an element to. Hindus completely agree upon the quest of Artha, or worldly gain, as the main, working section of dharma. Hogan describes Artha as the main, vital part of dharma:  ¨Periodically, I am intently analysing kama and artha, physical love and and socio-political power. These work strongly with fundamentals of Hindu metaphysical beliefs and with multiple religious and aesthetic philosophies . To ensure that we maintain simplicity, we have left out two other spiritual goals noted by the Sanskrit philosophers: dharmamoral duty, and moksa—the transcendence of the spirit. ´Ã‚ ´It can now be concluded that Dharma fundamentally makes up Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha contained by the Universe, and it stands for all of the paths of life for a typical Hindu believer. If you observe more closely into this philosophical diamond, it could be said that both time and space are a part of Dharma. Dharma also makes up all of dimension; therefore it is the designer and the creation is all of which we live through. Humankind builds up an important element of Dharma, we who know about Dharma, know about it for the reason of Dharma ´s will, so, we are fundamentally taking trail of the will of Dharma at every instant. Such a strong philosophical and metaphysical theory makes up the foundation for Hindu belief, yet Dharma enlarges more into Hindu religious practice. After doing this, we should take in to account Dharma ´s association to Kama, or sensual pleasure. Dharma ´s part as a primary being which motivates all action surely has a link to this crucial component of a Hindu ´s life. According to the traditional story, the Kama Sutra, we be taught more importantly, that it represents a lead to living. It is not simply a guide of sexual positions. The Kama Sutra is there to offer Hindu believers a way to achieving Kama:  ¨This is the cause for kama playing a part as an important role of dharma to the people who spoke Sanskrit: A person, the era of whose life is figured between 60 and 120 years ago, have to to carry out Dharma, Artha and Kama at a range of times, and due to such a purposeful manner that they may function together and not become hectic in any way. He must acquire teaching in his early days, he must think about the wants of Kama and Artha , and in his elderly times he have got to be in presence to Dharma, and through this he may try to find and get hold of Moksha, i.e. independence from more reincarnation. Or because of t he complexity of life, he may set out to to them at times when they have to be trained for a number of explanations. But a significant matter is to be considered, a person must show the way of life of a chaste student awaiting the time that he has finished his schooling. ´Ã‚ ´So far we have considered the main Hindu text and discovered that Dharma holds a natural link to the four major goals. As a result, Dharma stages an essential part in the quest and success of these goals, yet for the believer, Dharma does not finish with the success of such goals. Nevertheless, we must still look at the final goal of Moksha and its link to Dharma before we may conclude our study. Moksha makes up the gradual freedom of the soul from the torment of reincarnation. Hindus endeavour into obscure terrain when relating to Moksha, nevertheless moksha holds a very powerful link to Dharma. It could be said that the right pursuit of dharma shall lead to moksha. The goal of the Dharmic man is to attain moksha. For moksha is that condition in which one has united with dharma, consequently, moksha is that success of the ideal state. Moksha characterises that poetic attitude towards Dharma, and is portrayed as: â€Å"These equal symbols represent the four different stages of Moksha, or Release from further bodily Transmigration and Reincarnation. The primary is Sayujyata, or incorporation into the existence of the Deity; the secondary is Samipyata, proximity to the Deity, the emergence of the spirit into the Divine Presence; the tertiary is Sarupata, or approximation to the Deity in physiology and material anatomy; the quarternary and finally is Salokata, or permanent resi dence in the heavens.† Dharma to Hindus is seen as a universal philosophical being whose supremacy enlarges into obligatory responsibility. While the theoretical significance of Dharma makes up an element which is better than the some of its roles, Hindus exposed an approach to extrapolate Dharma so that they may bind its strength. The primary study of Dharma lets the scholar to further study the dharmic suggestions. The suggestions of the Dharma enlarges into the socio-economic, political, and, certainly, religious views of life.  ´Ã‚ ´Monarchy stays put, even philosophically, trapped between religion and secularity, sacredness and mortaity, justified rule and accidental puissance, dharma and adharma. ´Ã‚ ´ such a universal theory classifies the cyclical, nonetheless combined nature of the Hindu religion. Surely, Dharma does grasp theoretical on top of useful significance, and the objective of every believer, in life is to bring together and achieve these objectives.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Organic Food Environmental Sciences Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Organic Food Environmental Sciences Essay Organic Food is about the food are planted and reared without any conventional non-organic pesticides, growth hormones, chemical repining, food irradiation, and genetic modifies, ingredient and no hydrogenated fats, which are directly related to increase the percentage of disease. Organic food contains only seven most innocuous natural additives in seven thousand of artificial additive. Organic food has not been associated with any case of food poisoning in any year since the Centre for disease control Prevention record began. (RENEE ELLIOTT) Recently, Organic food is attracting consumer because of the non-chemical treated, fresh, and minimally processed food. Most of the organic produce has to buy from the farmer or the grower, but now organic product is displayed in most of the supermarket and many of the smaller super market have a few dedicated shelves for popular organic item, such as organic fruit and vegetable, raw cane sugar, soy sauce, raisin, stick noodles, rice, and also organic infant formula which is milk powder for the baby. Due with the demand for organic food is increasing, there are many organic food are import from other countries. However, consumer is hard to understand or unsure the safety of the import organic food, so the product labeling which is been certified organic and the certified organic is the only way that consumer can know that the processed of product is organic. For the different country have different organic certificate and rule system to process the product, international Federal of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) is the worldwide organization for the organic movement and certificate system, uniting more than 750 member organization in 116 countries, is laying the groundwork for the further development of organic agriculture and market worldwide, to bring together the key player from all over the planet to facilitate trade in organic market. Interesting in organic food and farming in high partly due to the fact that people are better informed about nutrition, more concerned about the environment and more cautious about the short term and long term effect of diet on health than any time in past. Households knowledge about alternative agriculture are more likely to purchase organic produce (Govindasamy and Italia, 1990) and those concerned about the environment are more likely to purchase organic apples (Loureiro et al., 2001). Those two enjoy trying new product are more likely to purchase organic produce (Govindasamy and Italia, 1990). Therefore, organic market and organic farming have become a new trend around the world. Organic Farming The organic farming is to supply the trend that demand from the consumer of high quality, high nutrition value, and the safety product. And due with this market, organic farmer have to follow the system that had been develop. And organic farming is not for growing the organic product and also a system for the agro-ecosystem health; government has introduced better farming practices to reduce the use of the chemical and harmful substances. What is organic farming? (CAC 2001) Organic agriculture is based on holistic production management systems which promote and enhance agro-ecosystem health, including bio-diversity, biological cycles, and soil biological to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems. This is accomplished by using, where possible, culture, biological and mechanical methods, as opposed to synthetic materials, to fulfill any special function within the system. An organic production system is designed to: Enhance biological diversity within the whole system Increase soil biological activity Maintain long-term soil fertility Recycle waste of plant and animal origin in order to return nutrient to the land, thus minimizing the use of non-renewable resource Rely on renewable resources in locally organized agriculture system Promote the healthy use soil, water and air well as minimizing all form of pollution that may result from agricultural practices Handle agricultural product with emphasis on careful processing method on order to maintain the organic integrity and vital qualities of the product at all stages Become establish on any existing farm through a period of conversion, the appropriate length of which is determined by site-specific factor such as the history of the land and the type of crops and livestock to be produced. Table 1.1 Organic Farming [Source: Stephan, D. Anna, M.H Raffaele, Z., (2004) Organic Farming: policies and Prospects] 1.2.1 The advantage of Organic farming The organic farming using a environmentally friendly method of farming that allow the cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock without damage to the farm as an ecosystem, including effects on soil, water supplies, biodiversity, or other surrounding natural resources. Besides that, organic farming is an ecological production management system to promote and enhance biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity, and hence improves the health and resilience of farming system. It is based on preventing and reducing use of off-farm inputs on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. From there, it can help to balance productive farming activities are completely free of residues but all the method are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water. In organic farming, that is number of methods are used to maintain soil fertility. Crop rotation, which ensures the crop, does not deplete the soil of the nutrients that it uses most and cover crops to protect against soil erosion. The planting of special crops know as green manures that are plowed back into the soil to enrich it and the addition of aged animal manures and plant wastes, also known as compost too the soil (Worthington, 2001). Figure1: Mean percent addition mineral content in organic compare to convention Organic farming is not only to produce the plant and livestock to the consumer in the same time, organic farmer is also using a method to protect the environment to reduce the pollution from the other industry. The fertility management practice is the addition of organic matter to the soil from the plant and animal wastes, to preserve the soil structure and provide food for soil microorganisms. With these methods, soil nutrients are released slowly over time. 1.2.2 Disadvantage of Organic farming Organic farming has a good system on plating and livestock, and come with many benefit but still suffer with few problem: The UN Environment program conducted a study and survey on organic farming in 2008, which concluded that farming by organic methods gives small yields when compare to conventional farming methods. Danish Environment Protection Agency conducted a research and concluded that the organic farms which produce potatoes, seed grass and sugar beet are barely producing half of the total output produced by conventional farming, in the same area. Organic agriculture is hardly contributing to addressing the issue of global climate change. It does reduce CO2 emission to a certain extent, but there is no dramatic contribution. Based on the problem, we can understand that conventional farming which is non-organic farming is processed with the chemical fertilizer the other growth hormones, which is to give the plant or livestock growth rapidly and stronger therefore the grower can get more rotation on harvesting and make sure the plant and rear are good looking. And in the same time the conventional farming is damaging the environment with the chemical and those growth hormones. 1.3 Non-organic farming Non-organic farming can be defined as conventional farming, and conventional farming is different with organic farming as we mention before. The processed of the Conventional farming is an indirectly way to pollution environment with the chemical fertilizer or the growth hormone. In America alone, the agriculture industry estimated to use over 800 million pounds of conventional pesticides each year, and globally over 160 million tons of conventional fertilizer each year. These cause the most harm to the environment (Om Organic, 2010). The chemical runoff from the fields has contamination surface and ground water, damage fisheries, and destroy freshwater ecosystem. It has also created growing dead zone in parts of oceans close to river mouth that drain agriculture regions. Conventional farming process on chemically grown food, there has been a profound upward trend in the incident of diseases associated with exposure to toxic chemical in in deutries societies. Organic food cantains fewer residues of pesticides used in conventional agriculture, so buying organic is one way to reduce the chance that your food contains these pesticides (Sir John, 2003). Figure2: The cancer incidence rates in New South Wales The Figure 2 shown that data on the number of new cancer cases in New South Wales, Australia has been collected by the New South Wales Central Cancer Registry. That between 1972 and 2004 the incidence of new cancer cases per year has risen from 323 to 488 per 100,000 people. This is an increase of over 50% in just 32 years. Women with breast cancer are five to nine times are likely to have pesticides residues in their blood than those who do not. 18 previous studies have shown that those with occupational exposure to pesticides have higher rates of cancer. 19 21 the apparent link between hormone dependent cancer, such are those of the breast and prostate, may be via endocrine disrupting chemicals compounds that artificially affect the hormone system such as 2.4D and Atrazine. The UK main scientific organization recommends that human exposure to EDCs (especially during pregnancy) should be minimized on grounds of prudence (The Royal Society) In addition, there are 500 chemicals that are routinely used in conventional farming but only 4 are permitted in organic farming. For example, Coxs apples can be sprayed up to 16 times with 36 different pesticides and many other these are hard to remove even if the fruit is washed (Soil Association UK, 2003) 1.4 Benefit for Organic Food Organic food is process by a natural and safety system and it bring extra more nutrition to consumer, organic product is not bring the benefit for the consumer only and also come with the protection on the environment as well: 1.4.1 Organic product meets stringent standards All organic animals are only fed with 100% pure vegetarian food and the diet should be solvent free. And also the organic meats are free from genetically modified organisms (GMO), so the organic produce is safe for consumption and can help to improve health (Spevack, 2002). Organic certificate is the public assurance that products have been grown and handle according to strict procedures without persistent toxic chemical inputs. When you see that a product has been Certified Organic by QAI (Quality Assurance International), you can rest assured that the product, its ingredients and the manufacturer have gone through a thorough investigation (Nutiva, 2009) 1.4.3 Taste better and truer Flavor The research measured the effect of an organic had been done by Washington State University in Pullman, a conventional and an integrated apple production system on the sustainability indicators of horticultural performance, soil quality, orchard profitability, environmental quality and energy efficiency. Taste was measured three ways. Mechanical analysis on fruit firmness at harvest and after six months storage was higher for organic that is two competitors. The ration of sugar content to acidity, an indication of sweetness, was higher among organic apples as well. These results were confirmed by the consumer taste tests (Natural Food Merchandiser, 2001). Plus the new research verifies that some organic produce is often lower in nitrates and higher in antioxidants than conventional food. 1.4.4 Nutrition and health Organic food comprises more nutritional benefit which compare with non-organic food. For instant, organic foods have higher level of vitamin C and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium and others. Organic vegetable also contain higher levels (between 10% and 50%) of secondary nutrients such as antioxidants which help to mop up harmful free radicals implicated in cancer (Heaton, 2001). In a review of 41 studies from around the world, organic crops were shown to have statistically significant higher level of vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphorus. Figure 3: Mean percent different for four nutrients in five frequently studied vegetable (Worthington, 2001) For example, vitamin C is 17.0% more abundant in organic lettuce (conventional 100%, organic 117%) The result for nitrates and protein quality and quantity agreed with the German review, which found a lower nitrate content in organic vegetable in nearly all cases, and less protein but higher quality protein in organic cereal grains. In addition, the results for vitamin C are similar to those of the German review. The German report that half of the time the vitamin C content of organic and conventional crop was the same, and the other half of the time the vitamin C content was higher in the organic crop. Theses finding are consistent with higher average vitamin C content in the organic crop as found in this analysis (Worthington, 2001) Worldwide Certification System International federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), Germany International Federation of organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), based in Germany, but active worldwide and it is the worldwide umbrella organization of the organic movement. Two international frameworks exist for certification bodies and standard-setting organization for organic product: the IFOAM Basic Standards (IBS), which were developed in the 1980s, and the Global Codex Alimentations standards, for which development began in 1999. IFOAM is an international federation that currently unites 771 member organizations in 108 member countries, which focus on general purposes, recommendations, basic standards, and derogations (IFOAM, 2005). IFOAM is committed to understand the concept of organic agriculture accommodates different organic practices depending on different local or regional conditions such as different based on ecological, climatic, culture, traditional, technical, or culture nature. One part of IFOAM mission is leading, uniting and equivalency of organic movement in its full diversity. In addition, to facilities international equivalency of organic quality claim so that certificates issues by certifiers in one part of the world are immediately accepted in other part of the world, IFOAM established an accreditation program in 1992, which is managed by the International Organic Accreditations Service (IOAS). IFOAM goal is the worldwide adoption of ecological, socially and economical sound system that are based on the Principles of Organic Agriculture. IFOAM Basic Standard (IBS) are basic of the organic movement which adopted democratically and international. These standards should not be seen as a final statement, but rather as a work in progress to contribute to the continued development and adoption of organic practice throughout the world. The IBS are structure as standards for standard. IFOAM provide a framework for certification bodies and standard-setting organization worldwide to develop their own more detailed certification standards which take into account specific local conditions. On the other hand, the Codex Alimentations standard provide and international agree framework for organic food moving international trade. Where a disagreement may occur between countries about the equivalence of organic food, the codex guidelines can be used as a reference in trade disputes at the WTO level (IFOAM, 2004). For a few years, however, the codex guidelines did not cover animal husbandry, livestock standard were approved in 2001 ea ch country is responsible for interpreting and implementing the rules, as well as enforcement, monitoring and inspection(Kilcher et al., 2004) All of the IFOAM Basic Standard are structuring based on variety general principle which are aids in maintain the quality ecosystem and nature conversation. Malaysia National Standards and Scheme of Organic Malaysia (SOM) As the development of organic farming is rapidly, the standard and certifications of farming system become more important. There are two standard for organic in Malaysia that one is initiative by government. In fact, Malaysia is implementing its certification program in year 2004 which initiated by the private agency Organic Alliance Malaysia (OAM). The OAM standards follow the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) basic standard and norm which can apply into Malaysia situation. The certification will focus on processor, re-packer, and retailers. This certification is envisaged to complement the Department of Agriculture (DOA) certification program Sijil Organik Malaysia or also known as Scheme Organic Malaysia (SOM). This scheme was official launched on 9 December 2003 by the Minister of Agriculture. Two committees namely the steering committee and the certification committee have been established to oversee the implementation of this certification program, Scheme Organic Malaysia. While the steering committee is responsible for policy and program development, the decision to certify the applicant farm as organic or not lies with the certification committee. The Department of Agriculture is mandated by the Ministry of Agriculture to act as the certification body for this SOM program. Inspection officer of the certification body carry out on-site visit to verify that the farm activities conform with the standard of the certification program and prepares report which form the basis for the certification decision. Malaysia Standard 1529:2001 The Production, Processing, Labeling and Marketing of Plant-Based Organically Produced Foods is another standard which publish by Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM). It is designed to achieve its purposed through a competent, independent and transparent inspection and certification system for the entire chain of custody of the organic product. It is just guidelines and as foundation for develops DOA standard. Besides, it is does not deal with certification like application and inspection process, use of organic mark, violation handing, but all these processes are covered in detail by SOM. European Countries National Standards and KRAV, Sweden In most Europe countries, private certifiers that have their own standards are legally obligated to certify producers to the EU Regulation if requested. In this case, the producer can use the EU label and member state label but not the private label of the certifier (Rundgren, 2002). In some countries, only one logos, and brands (Dabbert et al., 2004). Legally, if a producer or processor is certified by one of the EU-approved certification entities, certification should be valid in all EU member state. Some certification entities, insists on stricter standard than those of the EU legislation, which means that if the brand of the stricter certifier is strong in the marketplace, the producer or processor may find their customer insisting on that certifiers certification. Therefore, EU certification bodies have developed a tiered structure, where by not all EU certificates are acceptable to all certification bodies (Organic Trade Services, 2004). Sweden is one of the biggest countries in Europe and the climate is favorable for farming, with cold winters that inhibit infestations of many crops pests. In 1995 Sweden became an EU member and consequently part of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). With EU member ship in 1995, the Swedish Parliament introduced a new environmental program with various sub goals, such as support for preservation of landscapes and nature with particular cultural and environmental value, a general support for leys land and pasturage, and support for organic farming. Two private sector bodies are recognized by the government authorities to carry out inspection and certification that are KRAV and Svenska Demeterforbundet. The KRAV standards includes standard for crop and animal production, processing, textiles, retailing, catering, and importing. The KRAV label has a very strong position on the marker for organic food in Sweden, which is unusual for a private certification body. KRAV also works closely with Grolink AB, which specializers in consultancy work in developing countries, such as in establishing certifying organizations. KRAV is organized as an incorporated association with, at present, 26 members. They represent farmer, processors, trade and also consumer, environmental and animal welfare interests. KRAV is an active member active member of IFOAM and the KRAV standard is follow IFOAM basic standard. It takes an active part in developing the IFOAM basic standard and criteria. Besides, since Sweden is a member of the EU, this regulation is compulsory simply and regulates with the EU core standards (Council Regulation EEC 2092/91 on organic production of agriculture product and indications referring thereto on agriculture product and foodstuffs). Therefore, KRAV also work to influence the EU organic production legislation. (KRAV, 2000)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Strategic Marketing – Adidas was born in Germany in 1949, and since then the brand has been synonymous with the sport world. Second only to the Nike, Adidas is a multinational company and it is spread worldwide across the whole planet. The company’s products range is very vast, from the running shoes to the watches, from football shirts and shin pads to bags and hats. The company is currently employing 46,000 people worldwide, operating on more than 46 countries. The Adidas brand is built all around passion for sports excellence and innovative design to help athletes improve their performance. As a market-oriented organisation, Adidas continuously updates and fulfils consumers’ needs in order to meet them with products and services. It is basically this focus on the audience, teamed with product and marketing innovation that plays a key role in the company’s success. Trying to keep up with endlessly changing market, I was thinking to try and launch a new product under this well-known brand name. As Adidas focuses on athletic performances, and other than clothes the firm developed only sport accessories for its customers, I was thinking that it could be a great opportunity for them to specialise in a personal Energy Drink. As the firm always had to chase the leading firm Nike, something should be done in order to gain an advantage over it. The Adidas organic Energy drink (AdiRush) may be a perfect example of something that the German organisation would have more than the American. Energy drinks normally contain large amounts of caffeine and legal ingredients such as Ginseng. Firstly developed in Asia and Europe, then introduced by Red Bull in America. Our idea was to develop an Energy drink made entirely with organic m... ... are very happy with the product we are selling. It has the nice freshness attribute that differentiates us from the rest, but still the performance is well helped by the consumption of the drink. People are also starting to drink our AdiRush also after lunch in order to keep focused and concentrated on what they have to do in the late afternoon. Some customers, mainly women, feel that a 16 Oz mini bottle is sometimes too much to finish , therefore we can start thinking of the next option of having also smaller bottles in order to meet female needs and have a choice of what volume bottle to buy. Still there are problems trying to change customer perception towards energy drinks, mainly because new results of side effects of drinking too much Red Bull are being published, therefore a sceptical feeling is affecting the market.

Friday, July 19, 2019

How Important was the My Lai Massacre in Generating Support for the Peace Protest Movement? :: American America History

How Important was the My Lai Massacre in Generating Support for the Peace Protest Movement? The Peace Protest Movement was a time in the Vietnam war when people disagreed with it. This was because of a number of things. The amount of money it was costing, The amount of people killed, but it originated largely from the massacre at My Lai. The reason that the happenings in My Lai, 1968 were so unpopular is because it was the first time that people back home, in USA and all around the world saw what was actually happening to innocent citizens who had done nothing wrong, as a result of Search and Destroy missions. The My Lai Massacre was the first incident to be televised during the war and therefore, it was only then that people realised what was actually happening in Vietnam. This caused a major uproar, which many people were involved in. Students played a major role, running demonstrations against the War, Veterans from the war threw their medals away in disgrace at what was happening, as well as a few more individuals, Richard Nixon, Coretta King, Dr Spock, Roger Laporte and Norman Morrison, who all did their own thing to symbolise the wrongs of the war. Teach-ins on why the USA should leave Vietnam, Railway Blocks with human barricades, Campus Demonstrations, Huge Public Demonstrations, Burning Draft Papers and even to the drastic case of burning themselves to death. Not all Americans supported the peace protest movement, if they lived with the enemy, they were the enemy and deserved what they got. Did My Lai harden the support for the War effort? I don't think so, but some people argue that it did. The thing that worried people is they didn't know how long that this sort of thing had been going on, without them knowing. The protests were not only aiming to try to stop the Vietnamese War, but also to remember all the other innocent civilians killed in other wars that weren't televised before Vietnam. I think that the main reason that the My Lai Massacre caused such an uproar was because it was the first time that anything of the sort had been televised and had so much media coverage, but could the peace protest movement have happened if the media were not involved? I think that it would have, but not to the same extent. How Important was the My Lai Massacre in Generating Support for the Peace Protest Movement? :: American America History How Important was the My Lai Massacre in Generating Support for the Peace Protest Movement? The Peace Protest Movement was a time in the Vietnam war when people disagreed with it. This was because of a number of things. The amount of money it was costing, The amount of people killed, but it originated largely from the massacre at My Lai. The reason that the happenings in My Lai, 1968 were so unpopular is because it was the first time that people back home, in USA and all around the world saw what was actually happening to innocent citizens who had done nothing wrong, as a result of Search and Destroy missions. The My Lai Massacre was the first incident to be televised during the war and therefore, it was only then that people realised what was actually happening in Vietnam. This caused a major uproar, which many people were involved in. Students played a major role, running demonstrations against the War, Veterans from the war threw their medals away in disgrace at what was happening, as well as a few more individuals, Richard Nixon, Coretta King, Dr Spock, Roger Laporte and Norman Morrison, who all did their own thing to symbolise the wrongs of the war. Teach-ins on why the USA should leave Vietnam, Railway Blocks with human barricades, Campus Demonstrations, Huge Public Demonstrations, Burning Draft Papers and even to the drastic case of burning themselves to death. Not all Americans supported the peace protest movement, if they lived with the enemy, they were the enemy and deserved what they got. Did My Lai harden the support for the War effort? I don't think so, but some people argue that it did. The thing that worried people is they didn't know how long that this sort of thing had been going on, without them knowing. The protests were not only aiming to try to stop the Vietnamese War, but also to remember all the other innocent civilians killed in other wars that weren't televised before Vietnam. I think that the main reason that the My Lai Massacre caused such an uproar was because it was the first time that anything of the sort had been televised and had so much media coverage, but could the peace protest movement have happened if the media were not involved? I think that it would have, but not to the same extent.